Fedora 10

Instructions created Jan 21, 2009

Xastir is available as a Fedora 10 RPM! I nearly fell out of my chair when all I needed to do was type in:

yum install xastir

and about 22 files came down through the network, installed, and I was at the configuration page when completed. This is so incredibly easy, compared with building it by hand that I am in awe! Note that if your system is not as "complete" as mine was, you may need to bring down more files. Also note that you need to have the fedora repositories defined, but when I performed my installation, the files were all in place, and configured properly by default.

After the installation, I went and got the following files. Note that with Fedora 10, the directory is /usr/share/xastir instead of the /usr/local/share that we are used to seeing when building by hand.

mkdir /install/xastir
cd /install/xastir
wget http://www.wx9grb.org/xastir/downloads/usr-local-share-xastir-Counties.tar.gz
wget http://www.wx9grb.org/xastir/downloads/usr-local-share-xastir-maps.tar.gz

I then performed the following as root:

cd /usr/share/xastir/Counties
cp /install/xastir/usr-local-share-xastir-Counties.tar.gz .
tar -xvzf *.gz
rm *.gz

cd /usr/share/xastir/maps
cp /install/xastir/usr-local-share-xastir-maps.tar.gz .
tar -xvzf *.gz
rm *.gz

to make the maps available before starting Xastir. I had to change the link inside the maps directory by removing the untarr'd Counties file, and then performing a ln -s /usr/share/xastir/Counties Counties so that the path would resolve properly.

Finally I

cd /usr/share
chown -R <username>.<username> xastir

This will set the file permissions properly if you spell out the username that you are going to run the software with.

After this, I used the hints in the Legacy / Configure section to complete the installation. Note that if you do not want to set it up for VNC services, you can skip the first section, and begin with Connect and Configure.